This website is not directed towards the individuals with "it's a result of natural process overflow, just like [insert some analogy here], and you should be least concerned about it".

This website solely aims for the ones who want to make conscious efforts in eradicating nightfall/nocturnal discharge/nocturnal emissions/swapna dosh etc (irrespective of your motive behind it).

Also, this platform aims to provide selfless service, and would never aim to seek any kind of monetary advantage directly or indirectly.

The objective is to share everyone's learnings, experiences and help others in the journey of eradicating nightfall.

You will find thousands of blogs, videos, comments from allopathic doctors to Indian yogis, but even following all of them religiously might not yield all the results. Because
a) they might not have actually faced it
b) you need to become conscious about eradicating it, and the solution for every individual is different

Although the solution is simple. You should learn the laws of nature, understand your body. Consider it as a boon and God's grace, which will help you remove your wrong habits. Only due to nightfall, I perform yoga religiously everyday. I've learnt to eradicate my negative thoughts and anger, because it used to aggravate my nightfall.

I've failed in numerous job interviews, important life events, couldn't travel and hindered overall growth of myself as a whole, only due to nightfall. It's been more than 10 years now, and even if I have been able to control it and its effects to a good extent (partly due to conscious lifestyle changes), I still couldn't eradicate it completely, yet. I want to make sure to collectively help anyone who wants to seek guidance.

I want to grow this platform and to help more and more people who are seeking the same. If you were able to eradicate it successfully or want to share your experiences or inputs about how I can improve this website, please write an email to [email protected]. All of your inputs will be anonymous unless you mention it otherwise.